The Shore

Saturday, April 30, 2016

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On Refusing PARCC
Somewhere in,  NJ- Parents across the state refused and protested PARCC testing. The Partnership for Readiness for College and Careers or PARCC testing has just been completed in New Jersey, and many students were pulled out of school during the week of PARCC testing.

 The tests are administrated to grades 3-8 and high school students. Although these tests are meant to benefit the students in the long run, often these tests are known to put a great deal of stress on both the students and the teachers.

 According to, “The PARCC assessments require students to solve problems using mathematical reasoning and to be able to model mathematical principles. In English Language Arts (ELA), students will be required to closely read multiple passages and to write essay responses in literary analysis, research tasks and narrative tasks. The assessments will also provide teachers information on student progress to inform instruction and provide targeted student support”.

 Parents across the state are taking action and refusing the PARCC testing. According to Save Our Schools NJ, Parents have the right to refuse and not “opt out” of the testing. The site includes resources and a step by step guide to help parents refuse the testing.

 The step by step guide is simple and easy to follow. The steps a parent will take to refuse PARCC according to Save Our Schools would include the following; Getting Involved and Informed, Knowing your rights, Composing a letter or complete a form informing your local district that you’re refusing (not “opting out” of) testing for your child. There is even a step provided just in case the district refuses to cooperate. And lastly the site suggests that parents contact legislators and encourage them to support student-centered legislation. 

Among the resources provided Save Our Schools provides a list of 12 reasons why they oppose the testing. Some of the reasons include, The PARCC testing is poorly constructed and confusing, the testing format can be very problematic and confusing for students, and even go on to say the PARCC will distort curriculum and teaching.

 Parents and educators are allowed to access a practice PARCC test, to see what their children will be partaking in. “I gave up on one of the language arts questions. It seems very fragmented and not a good way to learn” said a women with a PHD in humanities, in a video compilation of parents and educators provided by Save Our Schools.  Educate yourselves on the test and then make a decision based on your opinions and believes, Support or Refuse PARCC the choice is yours.

(This was an assignment I submitted for my news writing course, I thought it was an appropriate and timely time to post it to here!)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How to be a Successful Student

School is something I grew to enjoy. I never really liked it when I was young. I was held back in first grade, for a few reasons. The first reason because I was really shy and the second reason I struggled. I was never a great test taker, and I would rather of been playing with my toys at home. I think because at such a young age I was held back, I always did feel dumb, and never smart enough. This went on until I got into high school.

   One of my teachers said something about being Successful, and how even if you struggled you could be successful.

Here are some tips that brought me from an average student to a A-B student!

1. Ask questions! Every one always says this, but it is so true! Half the class is most likely thinking the same thing you are.
 Even if you are uncomfortable asking in class, write your q's down and see your teacher after class. The teacher will probably be appreciative that you even paid attention.

2.Get to know your teacher. If you have any concerns or worries about the class make sure you tell him/her. This shows you are concerned about your grade, and they are more likely to cut you some slack if they know you care.

3. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! This is another one im sure everyone always says... but its so true. Most teachers count the hw as a grade anyway. Also if you do the homework you are more likely to participate in class... because hey you know what's going on, and if your anything like me when it comes to tests the hw grade helps! 

4.Studying is good but never burn yourself out! Making notecards always helped me and continues to till this day in College! 

5. Get involved in extra curriculars any clubs or teams will make school more exciting & less of a dread! Not to mention they look great on College applications (; 

6. And lastly use your planner! Plan ahead of time what needs to get done first & what can wait. Planning will give u a sense of control... Which you have You do have! The amount of effort you put into your work the better the grade! 

These are just a few tips for you students out there! Lol 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Ten ways to reduce anxiety

Ten ways to reduce anxiety ; 

1. Talk to a friend or someone with similar anxieties. The relationship will give you a sense of normalcy. You are not alone! 

2. EXERCISE. Anything that will get your heart going will improve serotonin levels in the brain. This will give off energy and mental stability.... And a tighter *** Yoga is great for the mind. Meditation is very powerful & by practicing yoga you can reduce stress. 

3.Drink water! Our bodies need water and it's our job to drink it! Water will give your body the hydration needed to be healthy. ahhh flush away those anxieties 

4. Take B vitamins daily! B vitamins are packed with the good stuff our brains need. These B vitamins will improve your over all mental wellness & clarity. 

5. Journal, sometimes just writing out what's on your mind can clear your mind. Put it aside and let the book become a personal therapist! 

6. Sleep. Studies show people who  get   eight hours of sleep at night, are less anxious though out the day than those who got less .And no there is nothing wrong with a twenty minuets power nap to recharge, but nothing more b/c you may fall into REM a deep sleep. Deep sleeping is better saved for recharging at night. 

7.Make time for yourself & stick to it! Just knowing you have 30 mins of "me time" will reduce a great quantity of stress. And yes, you really do deserve it. Reading, Bubble-bath, bike rides. Are all great ways to relax.  

8. Surround yourself with positive people. Positive vibes are contagious. There's something about a optimist that makes life that much better , there is always a good in everything ! 

9. Eat a healthy diet. Just like drinking water , our bodies need nutrients to flourish. Some of these stress tackling foods ate; Almonds, spinach, fish, & even a piece of dark chocolate. Herbal teas are great as well, our a cup of chamomile tea and let the stress melt away ! 

10. Don't be afraid to go talk to your doctor. Therapist are not as awful sounding as they used to be, & hey a life coach will give you strategies for dealing with your own personal anxieties.  

These are just a few of my strategies for dealing with anxiety. Hope I helped! 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

On Finding Followers

Subscribe for the love of Blogging.

I guess the biggest part of being a blogger is having important or interesting information to share. Finding something to blog about is the hardest part about me. The Web is such a huge place and there really is so much information to find. Finding a group of people who relate to me could help, possibly. It seems so hard to get people to follow you on here. But I'm not giving up. I need to find the right audience. If you are interested in subscribing & you don't have a BlogSpot account you can go to my page and subscribe to me by your email address.
Follow me if you
* Have anxiety
*Go to college
*Have a boyfriend/girlfriend
*Lack positivity in your life
*Want to engage in conversations
* Like a variety of posts
*Are interested in New Jersey The Jersey Shore...
* If you are bored... hey why not
* If you love Bath and Body Works... (That's where I work)

If you are a successful blogger, and have any useful tips please comment and help a girl out.

Friday, September 13, 2013

On feeling blue

Hi Guys I haven't written on here in so long. I wish I could get into a habit of writing more often, personally I think its easier to journal in my Private Journal. Why? I guess because its a judgment free zone, when things aren't going right I feel like I would be complaining. But I'm going to give blogging a fair shot.

About a month ago I weaned myself of my anti depressant. I am not very proud that I was on one, and most people probably had no idea. After all I was only eighteen when I went on it, but the Doctors thought I would benefit from it. I was very depressed my senior year of HS and I am proud to say now a Sophomore in college I have come a long way. What I was scared of were my emotions. Anxiety is something that I always have delt with, but that year it was to much to handle. The medicine helped, along with therapy, yoga, and working out. I definitely don't think drugs are a miracle answer. I think its a collaboration, you cant take a pill and expect to be a new person, you've got to work at it, and that's what I did!

   I have been off my meds for about a month now, and the first three weeks were easy peasy for me. Not sure if it was because I was distracted, (I had sinus surgery) or if I was just feeling good in life. My Therapist, & no I'm not ashamed I talk to someone, had recommended exercise every day to keep my serotonin levels up. I was doing cardio every day the first few weeks of weaning off, and I felt on top of the world. No one could bring me down. Surgery came around and I was in so much pain, but was so happy and relaxed to have TWO WHOLE weeks of no work! Yaahoo! Then I went back to work, and just a few days I started my sophomore year in College.

  Talk about back to reality. Its been a rough few days, and I really gave myself no credit. I was constantly nagging on myself, why am I not feeling energetic? Why am I not excited about work and school? Why why why. I wont even lie I have been feeling depressed lately. Im not quite sure if its withdrawals, or just jumping back into life full force. I mean life is stressful, especially school. But I think this is all a learning lesson for me. You cant be happy all the time. In fact its normal to be sad sometimes. I was being so hard on myself to feel happy, be successful, to be the perfect me. Perfect is a crappy word I think. No one is perfect and perfect is actually pretty boring isn't it? In all seroiousness I have been happy before and I have been sad before, therefore I will be happy again. This little bump in the road will be in the past soon. It is definitely ok to "feel blue" but...
Life Goes On.

Friday, March 8, 2013

On Being the Best...

On Being the Best...
 Yesterday was my "Papa" or Grandpa's seventieth birthday.We talked for a few moments over the phone, as i was at school all day.He always asks me about school, how I'm doing in college, the usual conversation. Well about a week ago i got a letter from my school, saying i made the President's List for honor roll. Everyone was so proud of me... and he mentioned again how he was proud of me. When he says to me... "You just have to be better then everyone else...that's all"... i laughed and agreed yeah that's all.
     We get off the phone and i think about it.. he was right. In the world today being the best is really something to strive for. Getting a job with out a college degree in the 21st century seems nearly impossible. I can't help but think my honor roll was not good enough. If i wan't to be the best then i should strive for something better then A's and B's i should be striving for A+'s right?  If only being better then everyone else was as easy as my Papa made it sound.

I thought about it all day. Then  I realized, although being better then everyone else sounds good being the best that you can be is all you can be! Strive for your best, and don't worry about everyone else,  be the BEST YOU, that you can be, and everything will fall into place.

Happy Friday Readers, and thank you for reading!

This was me last June, when i graduated highschool! I cannot wait untill I can share a picture of me getting my Bachelor's degree. I think i want to teach High School english as of right now.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Work Hard Play Hard

So while away in Pa a few weeks ago i came across a scale... mind you on vacation we usually eat out alot! I didnt want to, but i stepped on and nearly cried when i read the numbers. Most people tell me i dont look over weight but, if a person isnt comfortable with their weight then whats wrong with doing something about it?  I was deffinately not comfortable with my weight and although  we were away and eating alot, it didnt matter to me because i knew i was more then 5 lbs over my usual weight.
 Im not the type of person to sit around and wait for something to happen and if i want something you better beleive im going to go get it... somehow!  My boyfriend was having the same problem and wasnt comfortable with his weight. We decided to help each other and to encourage one another. We planned on eating much healthier, and working out. He found an APP on his Iphone, Its called Loose It. We installed the apps, and it asks you for your current weight, and your goal. I set 15' lbs because i wanted to be realistic. The app helps you by tracking your calories, you can only eat a certain amount a day. At first i struggled but then i realized the more you work out the more you can eat, and I love to eat!  I went to the food store and picked up a bunch of Special K snacks, (their great!) and veggies and yogurt! Even some low cal bread! With all these healthy snacks around it was almost hard to mess up! But it wasnt enough for me, I wanted faster results.
    So i started to run. Running is hard if your not in good shape, and its easy to loose your breath and pace, but i have been working at it all week and i have seen many benefits and improvements already! Not only are my legs and belly toning up but my energy levels are threw the rough and i feel way less anxiety. I cut my running time down by 6 minuets in just 5 days!! If i feel as if I'm getting anxious i grab my running shoes and hop on the treadmill, or take one of my dogs for a walk. Most days i do both., and then i can reward myself with a treat, because Hey i burned tons of cals anyway!
I want to encourage anyone who feels down, to get up and so something about it, because YOU CAN! If you find yourself out of shape or out of energy... dont wallow around because these kinds of things don't fix themselves! It may seem like a struggle at first but i am encouraing each and every one of you to do one thing everyday to improve your health, drink a glass of milk or water instead of soda, maybe walk the dogs , because every small step will help you in the lon run!...
Love from me and my Nikes, Lauren xxxxx